En Asociación Te Escucho, ofrecemos un espacio anónimo y sin juicio para mitigar la soledad, facilitando comunicación y apoyo emocional a quienes lo necesiten, sin diagnósticos ni tratamientos.

A community garden with people working in fields, cultivating soil and planting crops. The setting includes several rows of cultivated land, with a group of individuals actively participating in agricultural activities. There are buildings in the background and a clear blue sky overhead.
A community garden with people working in fields, cultivating soil and planting crops. The setting includes several rows of cultivated land, with a group of individuals actively participating in agricultural activities. There are buildings in the background and a clear blue sky overhead.
Nuestra misión es escuchar
Conectando corazones solitarios

Promovemos la sensibilización sobre la soledad y la importancia de la escucha activa, creando redes de voluntariado para brindar apoyo telefónico y en línea a quienes lo requieran.

Escucha Activa

Brindamos apoyo emocional y conexión para mitigar la soledad en nuestra comunidad.

Apoyo Anónimo

Ofrecemos un espacio seguro para compartir sin juicios y recibir apoyo emocional.

A cozy community cafe interior with soft seating including sofas and chairs, tables, and plants. The walls feature various informative and motivational posters discussing fair trade, community, and global change. A person is sitting at a table, engaged with a laptop. The decor includes chandeliers and a warm palette that creates an inviting atmosphere.
A cozy community cafe interior with soft seating including sofas and chairs, tables, and plants. The walls feature various informative and motivational posters discussing fair trade, community, and global change. A person is sitting at a table, engaged with a laptop. The decor includes chandeliers and a warm palette that creates an inviting atmosphere.
Redes de Voluntariado

Creamos redes de apoyo para ofrecer asistencia telefónica y en línea a quienes lo necesiten.

A group of people are gathered on a basketball court under an overpass. The court has a mural featuring a large yellow smiley face with a crown. Players and onlookers are casually dressed, some standing and others seated, creating a laid-back, community atmosphere.
A group of people are gathered on a basketball court under an overpass. The court has a mural featuring a large yellow smiley face with a crown. Players and onlookers are casually dressed, some standing and others seated, creating a laid-back, community atmosphere.


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